The BIB (Bag In Box) is also called « Fountain » or « Wineskin » or « Cubitainer ». It is a practical, economical and biological cardboard packaging. The Bag In Box is ecological. A 3-liter BIB has a carbon footprinting 10 times smaller than the equivalent of four 750 ml bottles. It is a recyclable cardboard packaging. The BIB won the Award for the least polluting Packaging. It is convenient to carry. There is no more need for a corkscrew since a tap that does not let air in and eliminates oxidation is placed on each BIB. Upon release of the first BIBs, many wine producers were skeptical about having wine conditioned in BIB assuming it would be affected. But today, the quality of conservation after opening convinced them since the pouch where wine is poured inside the BIB retracts as it is emptied. As such, the wine remains protected from oxygen, in contrast to bottle conservation.
The outer packaging is made of micro fluted cardboard. The pouch (without *PHTHALATE) inside is a barrier to oxygen. *Phthalates are endocrine and metabolic disruptors. The Bag In Box is a very technical packaging. A waterproof bag inside is made of multilayer films with high performance against oxygen. An external automatic-closing tap preventing air return is attached to the BIB. It is welded to the internal pouch of the BIB. That pouch distorts under the effect of gravity when the tap is opened. This allows wine preservation against any air oxidation, unlike a bottle. Wines can be stored up to spix weeks after opening, thanks to this high technology.
Regarding the filling of wines in the Bag In Box, a winemaker uses a mobile unit, fully automated which offers a maximum conditioning. It is a vehicle responsible for all services related to wine processing, moving accross wine estates.
The BIB represents a little more than 5% of a 3-liter BIB’s total weight, compared to 35% for a glass bottle. Its large external surface provides a major place for information, decoration and content promotion. The BIB packaging is not only used for wines, but also for fruit juices, vinegar, beer etc … The Bag in Box is made of corrugated cardboard with a single or double flute depending on the capacity of 3,5 or 10 liters. The inside of a BIB is a waterproof pouch which is made of a food film in polyethylene and another layer serving as an obstruction to oxygen. The materials used for the conditioning of the waterproof pouch, made of the film, are mainly of two types: an Opaque Metallised Polyester Film or a transparent co extruded EVOH film. These barrier films restrict the oxygen inclusion and grant a retention period up to one month if the filling and storage conditions are respected.
Mr. William R. Scholle invented in 1955 the concept of the « Caisse Outre ». At the very beginning, this type of packaging was used around 1950 for non-food items such as vehicle battery acids. From 1950, the USA started to use this packaging for milk conditioning. Then, Australia became the first country to use the Bag In Box as wine packaging in 1960. In the 1970s, wine in bulk trading began ; however the packaging was of low quality which did not allow wine conservation after opening the Bag In Box.
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