Future Wines



The Sale of “En Primeur” Wine is a Bordeaux Tradition

This historical tradition goes back to the beginning of the Bordeaux wine trade. It is in May, each year that the sale of the Grands Crus of wine from the Bordeaux region is organized, which makes it possible to buy in priority the wines which will be marketed after bottling, i.e. between 12 and 24 months.


Everyone finds his account, it is a very advantageous commercial practice for producers, because it allows them to obtain cash from the end of the harvest, without having to wait for bottling which can take place between 12 and 24 months. later, but also for buyers who buy wines at prices generally lower than the price charged after bottling and marketing.


The practice of tasting en primeur wines brought together in Bordeaux, France, for a week, in February, thousands of journalists and professional buyers from all over the world. They taste the vintage being aged, from more than 100 châteaux which will be offered for sale en primeur from May of the same year.


This great tasting brings together traders, great tasters of international renown, journalists from the specialized press and professional buyers. They assess the quality of the vintage during this week of the Futures campaign.


The tasting notes awarded will be decisive for the price which will be set at the beginning of May when the Primeur campaign is launched.


The purchase of En Primeur wine is offered at a lower price, it is an excellent opportunity for the buyer, especially if the scores awarded are greater than 90 points. This event is attended by all professionals and wine lovers.


Sommelier Wine Taster

The person who tastes wines and provides a tasting score is generally called a "wine taster" or a "sommelier." Wine tasters are experts in sensory analysis of wines, capable of identifying aromas, flavors, structure, and overall quality of a wine. Their expertise allows them to provide detailed descriptions of the wine as well as subjective evaluations in the form of tasting notes, points, or rating scales. Wine tasters are often employed in the wine industry, including wineries, cellars, restaurants, and specialized publications.

Generally, wines are rated on a scale of 100 points, and the higher the score, the better the wine.

Bordeaux Futures Wines come out in May, the estates present their prices and authorize wine merchants to buy Primeur wines, this is called the primeur wine campaign, the campaign starts in principle in mid-April of each year to end in July of the same year.

Payment Security

Wines are sold either by producers or merchants. They are billed excluding taxes and shipping costs. For added security, you can request a bank guarantee for your investment before completing the financial transaction.

List or prominent wine tasters

Raimonds Tomsons – RT World’s Best Sommelier - Ambassador at Winebhm 

Jeff Leve - JL
JM Quarin - JMQ
J.Suckling – JS
Revue du Vin de France – RVF
Robert Parker – RP
Vert de Vin - VDV
Vinous (N.M)
Wine Enthusiast - WE
Yves Beck - YB

List of Bordeaux Futures Wines Vintage 2022

Alter Ego de Palmer JS 96-97,  RP 91-93
Alto de Cantenac Brown Vert de Vin 94-95, B&D 93-94
Baron de Brane YB 92-93
Blason d’Issan RP 89-91,  JD 89-91, JS 94-95
Carillon d’Angelus RP 91-93
Carruades de Lafite JMQ 95
Chapelle d’Ausone RP 91-93, JS 94-95
Château Angelus RP 96-98, JS 98-99
Château Ausone JS 97-98
Château Batailley YB 95-97
Château Beauregard JD 90-92, JS 94-95, Vinous 92-94
Château Beau-Site JS 94-95
Château Bellegrave JD 90-92
Château Beychevelle RP 91-94, JS 94-95
Château Boyd Cantenac YB 95-96
Château Branaire Ducru Decanter 97
Château Branas Grand Poujeaux JS 93-94
Château Brane Cantenac Decanter 98
Château Brown JS 93-94
Château Canon RP 99-100, JS 98-99
Château Canon La Gaffelière Terre de Vins 97-98
Château Cantemerle RVF 95
Château Cantenac Brown YB 96-98
Château Carbonnieux Blanc JS 93-94
Château Carruades de Lafite
Château Chasse Spleen JS 93-94
Château Cheval Blanc RP 97-99, JS 99-100
Château Citran B&D 90-91
Château Clément Pichon JS 92-93
Château Clerc Milon JS 95-96
Château Clinet JL 98
Clos Fourtet  Decanter 97, JS 97-98
Clos L’Eglise B&D 96-97
Château Corbin YB 94-96
Château Cos d’Estournel Blanc JS 96-97,  Decanter 96
Château Cos d’Estournel Rouge RP 93-95, JS 92-93
Château Cos Labory JMQ 94
Château Coutet Sauternes B&D 97-98
Château Croix Cardinale Decanter 93
Château Croix de Labrie JS 97-98
Château Croizet Bages TDV 94
Château Dalem YB 93-95
Château Dassault B&D 94-95
Château d’Aiguilhe JL 94
Château d’Armailhac Terre de Vins 96, JS 96-97
Château d’Arsac JS 92-93
Château d’Issan RP 93-95,  JD 95-97+,  JS 96-97
Château de Camensac JS 92-93
Château de Ferrand YB 94-96
Château de Fieuzal YB 95-96
Château de Pressac B&D 95-96
Château de Sales JS 94-95
Château des Annereaux B&D 92-93
Château Des Grands Chênes JS 91-92
Château du Domaine de l’Eglise YB 94-95
Château du Taillan YB 92-94
Château Duhart Milon  RP 91-93, JS 95-96
Château Fourcas Hosten B&D 92-93
Echo de Lynch Bages Vert de Vin 93-94
Château Faugères JS 94-95
Château Ferrière TDV 95-97
Château Figeac  RP 98-100,  JS 97-98
Château Fleur Cardinale B&D 95-96,  JS 95-96
Château Fombrauge JS 94-96
Château Fonréaud YB 93-94
Château Fonroque B&D 95, Decanter 95
Château Fourcas Dupré RVF 92-93
Chateau Gazin YB 96-97
Château Giscours RP 94-96+, JS 97-98
Château Gloria Vinous 94-96
Château Grand Corbin JL 94
Château Grand Corbin Despagne YB 95-96
Château Grand Mayne YB 94-96
Château Grand Puy Lacoste JMQ 97
Château Grand Puy Ducasse JS 96-97
Château Gruaud Larose BD 97-98
Château Guiraud Sauternes JMQ 95
Château Haut Bages JS 96-97
Château Haut Monpelou JS 92-93
Château Haut Brion Blanc RP 93-95,  JS 98-99
Château Haut Brion  RP 95-97,  98-99
Château Haut-Marbuzet JS 96-97
Château Haut Peyraguey Sauternet JS 94-95
Château Jean Faure RVF 95-96
Château Labégorce Margaux JL 94
Château Lacoste Borie JS 92-93
Château Lafon Rochet RP 90-92,  JS 94-95, JD 93-95+
Château Lagrange YB 95-97
Château Lalande TDV 93-94
Château Lanessan YB 91-93
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey Blanc Sauternes YB 98-100
Château Laffitte Carcasset JS 92-93
Château Laroze YB 93-95
Château L’Eglise Clinet  JS 97-98
Château La Conseillante RP 97-100,  JS 98-99
Château La Couspaude JS 93-94
Château La Croix du Casse YB 90-92
Château La Croix de Gay JS 93-94
Château La Croix Saint Georges JS 95-96
Château La Dauphine B&D 93-94
Château La Dominique B&D 96-97
Château La Lagune B&D 96
Château La Louvière JL 93
Château La Mission Haut Brion Blanc
Château La Mission Haut Brion Rouge RP 94-96+ JS 98-99
Château La Pointe JS 95-96
Château La Tour Carnet TDV 94-95
Château La Tour Figeac B&D 94-95
Château La Tour de Mons JL 92
Château Larcis Ducasse JD 98, JS 98-99
Château Larmande TDV 95-96
Château Laroque YB 997
Château Lascombes RG 96-100
Château Lassègue JMQ 95
Chateau Latour Martillac Blanc JS 93-94
Château Latour Martillac Rouge JS 95-96
Château Léoville Barton RP 96-97+, JS 95-96
Château Léoville Las Cases RP 98-100, JS 99-100
Château Léoville Poyferre RP 94-96, JD 97-100, JS 96-97
Château Les Carmes Haut Brion Rouge RP 99-100, JS 97-98
Château Lilian Ladouys YB 93-95
Château Lynch Bages JD 96-98
Château Lynch Moussas JS 94-95
Château Malartic Lagravière Blanc JMQ 94, JS 97-98
Château Malartic Lagravière Rouge Decanter 96, M. del Monego 96
Château Malescot Saint Exupéry JS 96-97, YB 96-97
Château Margaux
Château Marquis d’Alesme B&D 94-95
Château Marquis de Terme RVF 93-95
Château Maucaillou JS 91-92
Château Mazeyres JS 95-96
Château Meyney JS 94-95
Château Monbrisson RVF 93-95
Château Montrose
Château Moulin de la Rose JMQ 92
Château Mouton Rothschild
Château Nenin RP 93-95, JS 94-95
Château Olivier Blanc JS 94-95
Château Olivier Rouge RVF 94-96
Château Palmer RP 95-97, JS 98-99
Château Pape Clement Blanc Decanter 95
Château Pape Clement Rouge RP 92-94, JD 96-98+, JS 97-98
Chateau Pavie
Château Pavie Macquin Terre de Vins 97-98, JL 98
Château Pedesclaux Terre de Vins 95
Château Peyrabon JS 91-92
Château Phelan Segur JS 96-97
Château Pichon Longueville Baron RVF 97-99
Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse Lalande RP 97-99, JS 98-99
Château Picque Caillou Rouge JS 91-92
Château Picque Caillou Blanc JS 92-93
Château Poesia JD 93-95
Château Pontet Canet
Château Potensac JS 94-95
Château Poumey
Château Prieuré Lichine TDV 95-96
Château Quintus
Château Rauzan Segla YB 97-99, JS 97-98
Château Rauzan Gassies JS 94-95
Château Rayne Vigneau Sauternes B&D 97
Château Rouget JS 95-96, Decanter 95
Château Saint Pierre JMQ 97, JD 95-97
Château Ségur de Cabanac JS 91
Château Siran JS 95-96
Château Smith Haut Lafitte Blanc
Château Smith Haut Lafitte Rouge
Château Sociando Mallet TDV 95
Château Soutard YB 95-96
Château Suduiraut Sauternes YB 99
Château Talbot Caillou Blanc JL 92
Château Talbot Rouge B&D 96
Château Taillefer TDV 91-92
Château Tauzinat l’Hermitage YB 92-93
Château Tertre JS 95-96
Château Troplong Mondot
Château Trotte Vieille JS 98-99
Clos de la Gaffeliere Decanter 92
Clos des Jacobins JS 94-95
Clos Fourtet YB 97-99
Clos Lunelles JS 94-95
Clos Marsalette YB 92-94
Clos Puy Arnaud B&D 92-93
Clos René JS 93-94
Dame de Trottevieille YB 93-94
Domaine de Chevalier B&D 97
G D’Estournel JS 93-93
La Chapelle de la Mission Haut Brion RP 91-92, JS 94-95
La Clarte de Haut Brion 91-93 ; JS 96-97
L’Esprit de Chevalier JS 95-96
Le Dragon de Quintus
Le Petit Ducru de Ducru Beaucaillou YB 92-93
Les Arums de Lagrange JS 91-92
Les Fiefs de Lagrange YB 91-92
Les Griffons de Pichon Baron YB 94-95
Lions de Batailley JS 93-94
Orme de Pez JS 93-94
Pagodes de Cos RP 89-91, JS 94-95
Pichon Comtesse Réserve YB 95-96
Sarget de Gruaud Larose BD 92-93

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