To keep all the subtleties of wine, you have to know how to preserve it. Regarding the temperature, it is necessary to use a temperature between 12 and 14°C., and avoid sudden temperature changes, and maintain a stable temperature. If you cannot keep wine between 12 and 14°C, you can keep it at a good stable temperature which is between 10 and 20°C. If the wine does not undergo sudden changes in temperature, it will not keep well. To keep your wines for many years, choose a place with a humidity level between 65 and 75%. A lower rate could dry out the cork of the stopper and which will automatically lead to oxidation of the wine. Wine should be stored in a dark place, as light can damage the pigments in wine.
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To preserve wine properly, it must be stored in a place protected from light so that it can age well and not damage the wine.
You need an appropriate hygrometry, because the corks are sensitive to humidity, so the wine must be preserved from oxidation or drying out, because the corks are sensitive to humidity. Wine oxidation is a chemical reaction that occurs when wine meets air. Ethanol makes up most of the alcohol in wine which absorbs oxygen from the air which turns into ethanol. Ethanol will turn into acetic acid, commonly known as vinegar. When the wine reaches this stage of oxidation, it becomes unfit for consumption, because the nose feels attacked and the taste is unpleasant in the mouth. Unfortunately, the oxidation is irreversible and the wine more consumable.
Otherwise, the wine that has undergone a "reduction" it has suffered from a lack of oxygen. The "reduction" leads to a smell of tires, rubber or mops. To remove the "reduction", simply decant the wine by pouring it into a decanter (a wine decanter) and the wine will be saved.
It is important that the wine is not exposed to vibrations which may accelerate ageing. For the conservation of wine in a wine cabinet, you must choose a cabinet with a system that makes it possible to separate the shock absorbers from the compressor.
The wine must be stored horizontally, avoid changing the places of the bottles during storage.
On the market there are wine cabinets of all sizes and which allow wines to be kept at a regulated temperature.
Do not store wine in cardboard boxes, because the wine can mold inside due to the humidity that is recovered by the cork which collects all the odors
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